Saturday, November 10, 2007

Oracle Service Oriented Architecture

Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) plays a key role in Applications Integration, if there is many applications in the enterprise sometimes there will be needs that one or two applications to communicate with each others for example the HR system needs to communicate with the Financial System in that case there will be some changes on the Source Code for both this mean there will be high cost, but in SOA Standardized services you will enable disparate applications to quickly and easily connect. This will reduce cost of integration and that what management wants....

On the following Link you will find helpful Information about SOA:


Sunday, September 30, 2007

Windows Live Services

Hello there,,,

Recently I've downloaded Windows Live Services such as (Windows Live Mail, Writer, Messenger, Photo Gallery) and it is one heck of a product.

Now you don't have to use the Internet Explorer to write on your blog, simply by using Windows Live Writer you can write on any blog you have using this software like what I'm doing now.Also Windows Live Mail has a remarkable Interface which is close to Outlook 2007.

here is the link for Download:


Tuesday, July 17, 2007

A Security Hole in Oracle Application Server (Reports Services)

During my work in MOBILECOM as Application Integration Administrator my team leader sent me a document but when i read the title i couldn't believe it , you can crash any system has Oracle Application Server Reports Services,simply when you generate a report of type pdf and you give him the path it will overwrite the file, so if you send this URL to the server:
http://server_name:port/reports/rwservlet?server=rep_srv&report=test.rdf&destyp=file&desname=c:\WINNT\system32\AnySystemFile.dll&desformat=pdf .
It will now generate the report and replace the system file with it. After that open the system file and you will find the file is opened using Acrobat Reader,here you will found that you crashed the system and you forget to take backup and your manager will cick your A...

now for any further information about how to handle this issue and prevent anybody to play with your systems navigate to the follwoing URL and it will help u alot:
